Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Lights out

Cold showers are so much nicer in the summer. I knew having someone else pay our bills was not the best idea I'd ever heard, but I guess it could be worse. At any rate, that's the game we've been playing all day, ''I guess it could be worse!'' No electricity means no hot water in our house, and no wireless internet! These are two things I enjoy...ah well. Maybe tomorrow they'll turn it back on.

Making dinner by candlelight, I opened all the windows and entertained myself the old-fashioned way: by spying on the neighbors. One woman seemed to be having some plumbing trouble...see? It could be worse! She was outside her front door staring down the drain and occasionally bailing it out with a bucket. She stared for a long time. I started thinking maybe she'd lost something, a ring perhaps? Then her son came outside to help. They both stared for a while, then bailed some more. For some reason, I found this scene incredibly comforting.

I could also hear all the neighborhood night noises from the open window - children yelping with relief as they left church for the evening, the butcher downstairs calling across the street to his friend at the convenience store, couples whistling for their dogs as they mosey down the lane. The candles flicker in the night wind, and I am content.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It reminds me of when the Northeast and Ohio was blacked out -- no electricity, anywhere, for a few days. No hum of power, no TV across the street, maybe the sound of a baseball game on the radio, but candles and grills providing the only blazes of light. People sitting around, emptying out their fridges into a communal feast, quite contentedly forming a community. Watching your neighbor bail out something, bringing yourself into simplicity, even where the hot water comes from an electrical doo-dad questionably wired to the shower head and the pan comes fresh every morning from the corner -- there's always another layer of simplicity to enjoy.