Sunday, May 20, 2007

skin deep

I don't wear much makeup, but what I do wear, I wear every day. Even Sundays. It's just a habit, I guess. It's the mask I put on to face the world, even if the world doesn't often notice. Makeup counter girls are always flagging me down, thinking mistakenly they have spotted the bare face in the crowd of Georgia peaches. Apparently Atlantans spend more on makeup per capita than even Parisans (you heard it here). And I'm no exception. I have quite the pile of shiny thin sticks that lured me into buying and taking them home with me with their promise of a sparkling, alluring new me.

So when Slim sent me a link to the Cosmetic Safety Database, I wanted to know, but I didn't, because knowing would mean I'd feel compelled to change. Tonight I hesitatingly entered a few everyday items and hoped for the best.

The results? Every item scored at least a six on a badness scale of ten. The worst was a waterproof mascara. It's not looking good for my face the world face...

Ingredients in this product are linked to:
yesDevelopmental/reproductive toxicity
noViolations, Restrictions & Warnings
yesOther concerns for ingredients used in this product:
Persistence and bioaccumulation, Organ system toxicity (non-reproductive), Multiple, additive exposure sources, Irritation (skin, eyes, or lungs), Enhanced skin absorption, Occupational hazards

This manufacturer:
noCompact for Safe Cosmetics signer
yes Conducts animal testing

1 comment:

Samira said...

Use Bare Escentuals. Their produces are the best to me because they are completely natural. I've been using it for 1 year and love it!