Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Feria de Libros, or, Really no better way to spend an afternoon

Can you think of one? I just can't.Corferias, the enormous conference center where the fair is being held.

I came away with five books, three of which are so pertinent it's almost funny: La Participation Ciudadana en Bogota: mirando el presente, pensando en el futuro; Reflexiones sobre cultura ciudadana en Bogota; y Multiculturalismo y Constitucion Politica: el neocontractualismo de John Rawls, Charles Taylor, y la Constitucion Politica de Colombia de 1991.
Earlier today a friend made us lunch -- beans with beets and carrots, fresh juice, then cake. I took these pictures out of her window on another grey day in Bogota.Shards of glass mean keep out, but they are beautiful somehow as well. I've always been struck by the contrast. Does it mean anything more than what is on the surface? Is it representative of anything particular to Latin America?

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