"The Catholic Church in Colombia has excommunicated anyone directly or indirectly involved with approving or doing the first legal abortion in the nation since the South American country's top court legalized it in some cases [rape, incest, serious threat to the mother's life] in May. The abortion occurred on a rape victim who was 11 years old."
[Question: can you belong to a religion that does things you despise? And if so, for how long? And why? What I get out of church has zero to do with a bunch of rich bishops thinking they have the right to make decisions about anyone else's body or rights, especially when we're talking an 11 year old girl raped by her stepfather. What I get out of church will continue to exist, but I don't have to be Catholic to get it, just human. Which is more than I can say for the Catholic hierarchy here. I went to mass on Good Friday only to be so repulsed by the priest's sermon, which included slams on gays, politicians who aren't overtly Christ-centric "good" Christians, and anyone who disagrees with the church's positions on abortion that I walked out. First time I've done that. It was strange...he gave 50% of one of the best sermons I've ever heard, all about the power of love to change the world, then launched into a diatribe against 90% of the most vulnerable groups in Colombia. I didn't understand then and I hope I never will. Still, there are some brave and good souls in the priesthood, but they are susceptible to extreme repression from the higher-ups, just like everyone else in Colombia.]
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