Tuesday, February 28, 2006

hackneyed liver

Today I learned two new words. The first was an important word, in my world, one that, had I known it before, would have salvaged my lunch. That word is "liver" (higado...) I keep ordering food, or more precisely, agreeing to order food that other people offer, without knowing exactly what it is I'm asking for. Time to buckle down on the vocabulary building. The second word was trillado, or hackneyed. I'm dying to throw this into casual conversation.
The news from Colombia was not good on this Tuesday. The country is still first in cocaine exportation, and yesterday in Huila, in the southern part of Colombia (far, far away from Bogota, Mom...) nine city council members were assasinated yesterday during a meeting, supposedly by members of the FARC dressed like the Colombian military. Can't help but think the two news items are related somehow. There are only two weeks left before the parlimentary elections here, and since security is the first thing many people associate with the current president (sound familiar to anyone?), most observers think the armed groups are trying to change people's association from Uribe=security to Uribe=violence.

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