Thursday, February 23, 2006

Mayor Garzon's first 100 days in office - the movie

So I was scrolling casually down a list of search results today when I came across an article about the current mayor of Bogota, Eduardo Galeano Garzon. Interesting guy.

As someone who has been known to worry too much about what others think of me, I found what he had to say about paying attention to critiques of his administration in the media inspirational:

"I acknowledge that some criticisms are important; some are excessive, there are individuals who express their views with hatred, but I have also listened to columnists who have made wise evaluations. One must listen to people, I do not fear criticism. I have even had differences with my own party, but when some people try to run over me with a Transmilenio, that I cannot accept. These are times where you turn one cheek but I am not going to wait for anyone to slap me on the other cheek. I too, am a thoroughbred bull."

I want to see this movie. The mayor is a thoroughbred bull who will not, I repeat, will not be run over with a big red bus. Take that, voice inside my head that keeps saying Bogota is just a big city like any other!

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