Saturday, February 18, 2006

Universidad de La Nacional

There's a strike going on at the national university , and the campus is full of graffiti with social and political overtones.
This one is a pun: Fayad is the last name of the university's rector, and the word "fallas" in Spanish means failures. So the artist wants a university free of both Fayad and failings.

Lots of UN students have been protesting Colombia's involvement in CAFTA discussions. TLC stands for Trato Libre Comercial (Free Commercial Trade).

The National University is known for its campus cows. Pretty soon, though, the real thing will be gone and this wire reproduction will be all that's left of the agricultural stage of the campus's history. Nothing like walking across campus with your head in the clouds and one eye on the ground for mudpies. Personally I'll miss them (the bovines, not the mud pies...)

I love the architect who designed this library,
Rogelio Salmona. He also designed the Virgilio Barco library, one of my favorite places in Bogota. Posted by Picasa

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