Saturday, September 09, 2006

a minor success

is better than an utter failure, I say. so when I say the grand inauguration of "El Espacio" was a minor success, I mean that in the best possible way. The take home may not have been even enough to pay off friend debts/investments, but pretty much everyone who made it through the doors loved it. It truly is just that, a space. The capes went surprisingly well with the bare walls still pockmarked by shreds of old concert posters, and the shocking orange wall at the very end made it all hang together.

I think my destiny may very well be to serve liquid refreshment and keep self-conscious punk kids from hurting anyone on the dance floor. It may be. You'd be surprised how much authority a cape made from curtains inveighs. And when Josh and I open our coop bar "The Public," we'll even serve coffee. And organic dinners, just one basic meal, Colombian style.

Hopefully with a lesser police presence though. As we left, 5.5 hours later for me, and 8 for Eli, there were three cop cars parked up and down the street, and all their occupants were making a beeline for El Espacio. We had to hide the "register" (which Eli made with cardboard) 3 times because, surprise, their liquor license application has not come through yet. News to me, but it was exciting. Here's to the urban culture space, and here's to dreaming big and not letting a few police and some missing paperwork stop you. Now that's punk.

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